Looking into the future is pretty hard to do, ask Nostradamus he prophesied many things incorrectly and he is internationally known as the best at prophesying. But I am gonna take a stab at predicting the future…
Well, the first thing I see is stores… lots of new and old stores convening at the Atlantic City Convention Center. What are they there for? CHAMPS Trade Show! Store buyers from all over the world and mainly the North East corridor of the United States will be there! OK, OK call me captain obvious… that was not really something hard to see. Ok, let’s try another…
I predict that Stores will win 1000’s of dollars in Cash and Prizes… My crystal ball seems a tad blurry on exactly who will win. Maybe if more people went out today and pre-registered I might be able to be a little more accurate. I do know they plan on giving away $10,000 in prize boxes and $500 dollars in cash each day to lucky pre-registered stores!
Ok, you caught me… I am not a psychic phenom, I just happen to give the good folks at CHAMPS Trade Show a call to see what’s on tap in the city that hates Trump more than the rest of us.
What else is happening in Atlantic City you ask?
Well, they have a super line up of vendors already signed up to attend. Companies like Medicali, Pipeline Distribution, Herbal Clean Detox, Alt 1000 Wholesale, Flo, Smoke Odor Eliminator and much more will be there ready and willing to fill your store with awesome innovative products.
There will be fire… Lots of fire… This will be the 1st installment of CHAMPS Glass Games 2017. Just like the road to the final 4 in NCAA Basketball, these artists will be earning their way into the Masters at each stop along the CHAMPS Show Schedule.
Atlantic City is home to the Emerging Artist Invitational. This event offers up and coming artist the chance to join the competitive glassblowing world of the Glass Games. These artists are chosen by a special committee in Eugene Oregon, the birthplace of the modern pipe movement put together by the Glass Games guru himself, Matty White. This committee will choose from hundreds of submitted portfolios to select 24 artists that they believe are the best of the best in emerging artists.
It is a simple format really, on day one, the first 12 glassblowers will create their piece live and on day two the final 12 will have their chance to create a masterpiece. With over $10,000 in cash and prizes on the line, these artists will be pushing the envelope on what can be finished in such a short period of time. There is no theme, the artist will be representing their own unique style with no constraints as to how. This should really get exciting, last year’s winner, Noah Holland took 7th place in this year’s Masters Competition!
With plenty of booths to visit and a full nightlife available in Atlantic City, I predict this to be the best show to ever happen in the city nicknamed, “Always Turned On.”